OK Øst Birkerød welcomes you to join MTB-O Camp, April 3.-7. 2009. The camp will take place just north of Copenhagen in terrains adjacent to the EOC terrains.
MTB-O Camp is a preseason kick-off, lots of MTB-O, socializing, low-intensity technical trainings, spiced up by a couple of fierce competions and NEW in 2009: 100 km International Relay.
09.04.2009 Photos
Michael K. Soerensen: Photos.
Lars Kürstein: Photos.
08.04.2009 Routegadget
Maps for camp cup 1, 3 and 4 are ready on this link: http://www.vejvalg.dk. Please draw your routechoises. I appoligize for the danish menu. Here is a little help:
1. Click on the link and choose the course you want to draw.
2. Click the checkbox "Tegn dit vejvalg".
3. Choose your class from drop down menu.
4. Choose your name from drop down menu 2.
5. Draw your routechoise by clicking on the map. IMPORTANT: you have to click all controls or it will not accept the route. Notice the blue circle on each active control.
6. Put any comments in the textbox.
7. When you are done click "Gem vejvalg".
8. To show toutechoises or simulate mass-start click the buttons in the bottom of the screen.
07.04.2009 Winsplits and results fixed (kind of)
Results and split times can be seen using Winsplits online. Splits for the Camp Champs Hœker tuesday are a bit unusual. Click here for results.. Please notice that the overall results are not complete - many times from the night race has not been included in the overall competition yet. I have to fix that manually!
If you took some nice pictures at MTB-O Camp, please forward me a link to a e.g. picassa web-site etc. and I will publish the link for everyones enjoyment. :-)
07.04.2009 Camp 2009 closed
MTB-O Camp 2009 closed tuesday afternoon with a ultralong distance. The elite classes was won by Ksenia Chernykh and Erik Skovgaard Knudsen, while the overall competition was won by Erik Skovgaard Knudsen and Michaela Gigon (for the 3rd time in a row).
I am pretty tired righ now, so I will have a look at the preliminary results from stage 5 tomorrow or after easter. For those of you who is marked as disqualified, dont worry! It is the computer systems fault. I will go through all of the results and update you later.
To sign up preliminary for MTB-O Camp 2010 Kristianstad write me an e-mail: johan.jacobsen@gmail.com
05.04.2009 Camp underway
Rikke Konrvig and Lasse Pedersen leads Camp Cup after first race.
results will be uploaded - click link onleft menu. Also some story in Danish with photos: http://mtb-o.do-f.dk
03.04.2009 Relay Favorites
Who will win Hamlet Relay? SUI 1: Okle, Seger and Schaffner are always in contention at every EOC and WOC. Adding Christine to the team does not make it any weaker. RUS 1: Korchagin, Foliforov, Ksenia, Kornev makes a very strong team. CZE 1: Rygl, Renata, Sevcik and Hradril - the czechs have the advantage that they can change riders on this team and the strength remains - so many top riders. FRA 1: Very strong team with Matthieu Barthelemy on last leg - but they probably have to change one rider to fullfil the requirement of max 3 x M21 riders. AUT 1: Rief, Breitschadel and Gigon are familiar faces at every MTB-O WRE in Europe. A spot among the 3 best is within reach.
Danish teams has to consist of riders from the same club only. At least for the elite riders.
OK Pan Aarhus: Gasbjerg and Strunge makes solid 1st and 4th legs. Rikke Kornvig has showed she is among the best females in the world in relays. Don't be surprised if this team even with 2 girls on the team will end up on the podium. FIF Hilleroed: Although Lasse Pedersen has decided to race MTB-superliga this day instead, FIF Hilleroed still has 3 elite riders. I predict 2nd among the danes. HOI, Farum OK, Alleroed OK and OK Oest Birkeroed: These team will probably battle for 3rd best Danish team.
03.04.2009 Startlists published
Startlists for camp cup 1, 3 and 4 are published here.
The time starts when you punch the Sport Ident start control.
02.04.2009 Camp Weather
We have never had one drop of rain at MTB-O Camp throughut the last 4 years. It looks like we won't have this year either:
02.04.2009 Tommorrow Relay information and night race will be on this website:http://oklub.dk. Including changes to the relay team list. Please fill out a new form at the event center if you want to change team. 7 digit sport idents still causes some problems. Be sure to bring your sport ident to the check in and test it.
I will be busy as hell the next couple of days - so this website might not be updated as frequently as I would like. I will try to post results and splits as soon as possible after each race. Check out startlist and results in the menu to the left. Startlists will be around midnight if everything goes well!
Control-kites for 2 technical trainings: If anyone wants to go for a ride friday afternoon upon arrival, then you can do one of the technical trainings scheduled for saturday and sunday. I have a bag of small kites (controls), which you are most welcome to put out in the terrain for me. :-)
01.04.2009 Last minute informations Important: Remember to contact hostels if you plan to arrive late friday night. They do not have 24 hour service!! Relay teams have now been set for those of you who have not sent any teams: Relay Teams (01.04)
It is possible to change teams by sending mail to: ames@nnit.com - who is in charge of the relay system now. Teams can be changed until Saturday evening by filling out a form.
Startlist for night-race can be found here: http://oklub.dk. Startlists for the camp cups will be published here Thursday. I will also hang up startlists in Skt. Helene and Frederiksværk. Don't worry that the entrylist on this website is not 100% accurate - I have noted changes to Sport Ident, classes, last minutes entries in my MASTER list.
30.03.2009 Setting team for Hamlet Relay
The most important info from the bulletin right now is: Team must be set Monday March 30th (or as fast as possible) by sending an e-mail to:
1. Name of each rider
2. Sport Ident numbers (or rental)
3. Which leg each rider does Sunday. But... the organizers and I have made a small change: If we do not have team information by tonight - we will set the teams ourselves tommorrow. You will still be able to change names on the team - but the Sport Ident may not be changed on the legs.
That means I will be the so-called "rider bank" and bruttaly set teams for the relay.
29.03.2009 Photographer Kenneth Loretsen
Kenneth Loretsen, photographer well-known from EOC and WOC, will join us at MTB-O Camp taking some cool photos in the forest. It will probably be possible to buy some CDs with photos for a good price.
28.03.2009 Bulletin, instructions coming soon.
I promised that the bulletin with last informations would be ready tonight. It probably will. I am working on it...
Please check back tomorrow afternoon, sunday. In the meanwhile I will remind you that the organizers of the Camp relay, OK SG, are eager to get team-entries from you all. http://oklub.dk
27.03.2009 Loebeshop.dk sponsors Garmin Forerunner 405
MTB-O Camp sponsor Loebeshop.dk has donated som nice prizes. The main prize in the draw will be Garmin Forerunner 405. Every competitor in MTB-O camp can win the watch - but you have to be present at the event center Skt. Helene, sunday at 20.00 to win the draw-prizes.
The Garmin Forerunner 405 is the newest incarnation of Garmin's popular GPS training device.
27.03.2009 Monday MTB-Challenge
Who are the best technical MTB riders in the MTBO world and are full suspension MTB's really that much better than normal MTB's? Have you ever been wondering about this?? We have, and therefore we have decided to get the questions settled once and for all.
The "battlefield" will be a new very technical MTB track in Geel Skov, immediately after Camp Cup 4.
Click here for: More info.
24.03.2009 Better late than never.
The list of rooms and cabin at the two hostels, along with full list of entries and entrylist divided by class is available here: Entry List, Rooms, Cabins, Class-List (excel file) Bulletin with full instructions and driving insructions will be available about March 28th.
09.03.2009 List of cabins and rooms
The list of rooms and cabin at the two hostels will be available within a couple of days. Bulletin with full instructions will be available about March 28th.
08.03.2009 Use forum for sales, car pool and finding a relay team Cant make it to MTB-O Camp? Want to sell your spot?
It is not possible to cancel entry fee and accomodation for MTB-O Camp anymore. If you can't make it to Camp please try to sell your spot on the MTB-O forum (discussion board).
If you need a rider for your relay team it is also worth a shot trying the MTB-O forum. Maybe you even will be able to catch a ride if you need to car pool from somewhere in Europe.
See more: Forum Mountainbike-orientering
03.03.2009 Remember the Titans?
Although MTB-O Camp is just a training camp - it has through the last 3 years developed into an MTB-O institution, thought of as a cozy season opener. Riders are not obliged with pressure to perform yet, but none the less - the trainings have often been fierce competitions.
The winners of Camp Cup/Champs 2006-2008 are all either European og World champions by now. Take a look: 2006 Bornholm: Seger & Schaffner
The strong swiss riders impressed the Danes in 2006 and hard work was put into obtaining the same level of physique and technical skills. 2007 Slettestrand: Tervala & Gigon
In 2007 Mika was regarded as the Tiger Woods of MTB-O. The grand old man who had won everything there was to win MTB-O. The other riders has no chance - Mika swept all enemies off the ground in both Camp Cup and the Champs. Gigon on the other hand had a battle with Schaffner for the W21 title. Only seconds parted the riders in each race and Gigon was the winner in the end. 2008 Silkeborg: Allan & Gigon
Every training was with SI, but no overall competition. In the end it all came down to the grand final mass start ultralongdistance in Vesterskoven. Gigon won the womens class for second straight year beating upcoming surprise Line Pedersen. In M21 Allan Jensen (now Allan Treschow) was victorius after being chased for 2 hours by Zhurkin, Barthelemy and Brun Pedersen. They had him within sight for the last half of the course but could not catch up. Allan suprised everyone in Danish MTB-O in 2006 by finishing as best Dane in his MTB-O debut, Camp Bornholm, and has been growing stronger every year. Always in contention at MTB-O Camp.
See more: Camp history - and previus year's results.
02.03.2009 Sponsor: Loebeshop.dk
Loebeshop.dk has become official MTB-O Camp sponsor for 2009: Loebeshop.dk er en internetbutik der specialiserer sig i at sælge løbesko, og alt hvad der relaterer til løb. Vi har et bredt udvalg af de kendte modeller fra markedets førende leverandører som Asics, Nike, New Balance, Adidas, Saucony og Craft.
Vi bestræber os på altid at kunne tilbyde vore produkter til minimum 20 % under markedets vejledende udsalgspriser.
Vi har solgt løbesko, løbetøj og pulsure i mange år, og vi sætter en ære i at kunne yde en god service, samt sikre sikker og nem Internethandel for vore kunder.
Butikken har sit fysiske hjemsted i Hadsten, og alle ordrer ekspederes herfra. http://www.loebeshop.dk
26.02.2009 Try out Pronghorn Fullies!
Pronghorn produces mainly high-end fullsuspensions bicycles. At the MTB-O Camp 2009, Pronghorn racing will make a number of bikes available, so that all who want to get out and try a top-tuned full suspension MTB will have the opportunity . The two Danish MTB-O World Champions Torbjørn Gasbjerg and Søren Strunge will be presenting the Pronghorn bikes.
See more: DanishEnglish
25.02.2009 Another Russian big shot
Ruslan Gritsan, world long distance champion, has signed up for MTB-O Camp. Ruslan has been among the very best MTB-O riders in the world. He is the only rider to have won 2 x MTB-O world championships and 2 x ski-o world championships the same year (2005). Photo: Kenneth Lorentsen
25.02.2009 100 km Camp Relay website
The organizers of the Camp relay (saturday night and sunday morning) OK SG has published an invitation. It will be published in English as well.
Take a look here: http://oklub.dk/Ind09MTB.htm
The main drive behind the 100 km relay is Jan Hausner. Jan has years of experience in organizing big events and has been involved in European Championship 2004 and Nordic Orienteering Championship 2007. Most recently he has organized Dansih MTB-O Cup. Jan Hausner is the event director of Camp Stafet including the night race Saturday.
25.02.2009 Proud Beer Sponsors
Torbjørn Gasbjerg and Jan Eg Pedersen will be the proud sponsors of 3 boxes of Vestfyen beer. Exactly what the beers will be used for is yet undecided - most probably, for drinking! Photo: Mette Reick
24.02.2009 Danish riders: Tilmeld jer stafet på O-service
Medlemmer af Dansk Orienteringsforbund skal som bekendt stille op i Camp stafetten for deres respektive klubber. For at lette arrangøren OK SG's arbejde bedes alle deltagere tilmelde sig på o-service, da det også er muligt at stille hold der. Bemærk at prisen er sat til 0 kr., så deltagere i Camp'en skal selvfølgelig ikke betale ekstra for at tilmelde sig via o-service.
I skal tilmelde jer den nat-bane I kører i normalt i den første tilmelding:
12 km - H21
9 km - D21, H40, D/H20
7 km - D/H16, D40, H50
I anden tilmelding sættes stafet-holdet.
Nat-løbet bliver formentlig ikke en del af den samlede Camp Cup, da klasserne ikke stemmer helt overens for de der kører ML (H21, H20 og H40).
Photo: Kenneth Lorentsen
24.02.2009 Russian favorite joins MTB-O Camp
World ranked nr. 4, Anton Foliforov, Russia, is coming to MTB-O Camp April 3rd-7th. Anton has been a big favorite among the top riders in the world since he as a last-year-junior came in second in the seniors' sprint competition at the european championship in Poland in 2006. 2008 brought a silver medal in long distance at EOC in Lithuania and as well as silver in the WOC relay - barely missing out on gold after a small mistake at the second last control.
Anton will be a serious contender for winning the races in MTB-O Camp 2009. Photo: Kenneth Lorentsen
23.02.2009 TV appearances of Danish MTB-O world champions
The Danish MTB-O riders had apperances in 2 TV-programs in Danish channel TV2. First story about the lack of fundings from Team Danmark, the other is a story about Team Coastzones experiences with a long adventurerace in Brazil in December 2008. Link to TV appearances. Photo: Kenneth Lorentsen
05.02.2009 NEW UPDATE of PAYMENTS!
I have uploaded a new list (excel-file) which gives you both a class-list with riders sorted by class, and a list of payments: Entry List, payments and classes.
I have gone trough all payments. Here is what the colors in the list means.
Green or light green means I have received your payment.
Yellow means that I have made special agreements with you on when your payments must take place - and I have not received the money yet.
No color = no payment.
For those of you who have not paid yet - please get to it as soon as possible and drop me a note: johan.jacobsen@gmail.com
05.02.2009 First list of competitors
I have gone through all entry forms and here is the list of entries, sorted by class.
I will be checking all payments and posting on the list a confirmation so you can make sure that your payment has gone through.
Here is a round up:
ME: 62
ML: 38
MS: 16
WE: 50
WL: 21
WS: 5
If your name is not on the entry list - maybe you have not filled it out yet? In that case write me a mail: johan.jacobsen@gmail.com
28.01.2009 Final Entry Deadline is closed
The deadline was this monday and my mailbox is filled with final entry forms. Thanks for sending them. I will be organizing all entries within the next couple of days and checking payments with the bank. Please return next to this website to ensure your on the list of confirmed payments.
Riders on the waiting list has now the same rights to take entry spots at MTB-O Camp as published in the invitation. If you have not yet send your entry form - maybe there still is a chance to particpate. But don't hesitate too long.
28.01.2009 Profile: Frantisek Bogar
Frantisek Bogar is the reigning junior sprint wolrd champion. In 2009 he will be among the favorites at JWOC in Denmark June 22nd-28th and his dream is to qualify for the czech senior team at WOC already in 2009, Israel. Here is his story.
23.01.2009 Choosing the right class
I have had some questions about the classes. So I will try clearify it here:
SuperElite (M/W) - meant for elite M21 and W21 riders who competes in WOC and EOC.
Long (M/W) - meant for M20, M21, M40 (and W20, W21, W40)
Short (M/W) - meant for M17, M21S, M50, M60 (W17, W21S, W50, W60)
Everyone may register for the superelite class, but if more than 60 joins - I will move the rest to the Long class. World ranking list 2008 will be used to find the most qualifyed riders. There is also some wild card spots for 1st year seniors (last years junior elite riders).
Long and Short is not restricted in any way. If you are a very good M50 rider it is no problem if you want to ride Long or even Superelite. If you are a poor M21 rider it is no problem if you want to ride Short.
Distances and winning times will be more or less equivalent to the IOF rules.
Example Middle distance: 50-60 minutes. This probably means something like 17 km for Mens Superelite, 14 km for Long, 10 km for short - Women Superelite 15 km, Long 11 km, Short 7 km.
23.01.2009 Payment problems?
Some participants - mostly from Finland - have been told by their bank that they need my home address to be able to make the payment.
This is it:
Johan Holkmann Jacobsen
Farum Hovedgade 80C, st.tv.
DK-3520 Farum
22.01.2009 Camp Profile: Emily Benham
Emily Benham is one of the biggest talents in MTBO. In 2008 she won 3 medals at junior EOC in Lithuania. In 2009 she will be among the favorites at JWOC in Denmark June 22nd-28th and at MTB-O Camp she will be riding the Superelite class. Here is her story.
22.01.2009 Information for participants
Please fill out the form and send it to me along with the payment before January 26th.
I apologize: its a mht-file and an excel-file, its just easier for me. If you are not able to open these files send me a mail and I will send you another version.
21.01.2009 Information for participants
I have sent this mail to most of you. Sorry if I missed out on your e-mail. From now on info will be published merely on this website:
Dear MTB-O Camp 2009 participant
MTB-O Camp entry have been open for 10 days. I have already received entry forms from about half of you. Thank you very much. Don't worry that there is no update on the entry list on the website yet - I will be updating that list shortly.
For those of you who have not sent a final entry yet - please do so January 26th the latest - I have to pay the accomodation by February 1st and also ordering some special sponsor gifts. If you are on the waiting list you can also go ahead and make your entry form. I have received some cancellations from some riders - which means there will be room for all of you. I would also like to receive payments from you guys that only participate in camp but stay at home or on your own.
1) Please read the invitation carefully.
2) Fill out the entry form - please fill out for all of your team
3) Make the payment - details are in the entry form.
4) Please check the website http://www.mtbocamp.dk once in a while. I do not intend to send more e-mail reminders - but barely publish news on the website.
Failing to pay:
If I do not receive your payment next week - I cannot ensure your accomodation. Also you will probably miss out on the special sponsor gift. (This does not apply for those of you who I have agreed you can pay in February).
Extra days:
Some teams have requested to stay extra days either prior or after the camp. It is no problem. I can provide you with some maps to different terrains. Also it could be worth a visit to Jylland/Jutland since there are some really good MTB-O terrains there as well - e.g. around the locations for MTB-O Camp 2007 and 2008 by Aalborg and Silkeborg. I will not be booking accomodation for you. It should not be a problem - you have to contact the hostel yourself - they will probably give you a good deal.
Double rooms:
Some of you have requested staying in either a double room or 3 persons in a hut/room. In Skt. Helene we only have huts for 4-5 people. In general I will put 4 people in the same hut, or 5 if it fits your group. Please note that the huts have 2 double beds and 1 single bed. If that is a problem for you - well, too bad. At Frederiksværk Hostel there are som huts for only 2 persons. I will try to organize that you guys wanting double rooms will get those huts.
Open competition/entering on the day:
Some of you have asked if it is possible to participate in just some of the trainings. Yes, the relay saturday-sunday is an open race for everyone. Also I will have limited extra maps at each training - I will charge 100 danish kr. for each training.
I am looking forward to seeing you April 3rd-7th in Tisvilde.
Best regards,
Camp Paallikko
Austrian Juniortalent Kevin Hasselberger, attending camp? We'll see. Photo:Tage Andersen
08.01.2009 Final Entry ready friday morning (January 9th)
Friday morning the final entry form will be available here along with the official invitation for MTB-O Camp. Fill out the entry form and transfer the payment before January 26th and your spot at MTB-O Camp will be secure. After January 26th entries that has not been paid for or confirmed will offered to the persons on the waiting list.
I have had some cancellations, so I think there will be rooms for everyone who is on the waiting list right now.
... oh, and happy new year by the way! :-)
23.12.2008 Merry Christmas - final entry very soon
Merry Christmas, MTB-O'ers. The final entry form has been delayed a bit, I expect that I will publish information and a final entry form during the holidays.
28.11.2008 Final Entry Form - coming soon
Information for final entries and a entry form will be published in middle of December. Deadline for payments will be in the beginning of January and afterwards riders on the waiting list be able to take over available spots.
28.11.2008 Why is there no WRE at MTB-O Camp?
The Calendar for World Ranking Events 2009 is ready. 31 events will be held worldwide. Some riders have questioned why some of the races at MTB-O Camp 2009 is not part of the WRE calendar. It is quite simple!
In 2008 I did a survey among the competitors who participated in MTB-O Camp. I asked if they would prefer many trainings at Camp (low quality) or rather do 2 WRE in the beginning and then a lot of training. Most people answered that April is too early in the season to do WRE. They would like to use MTB-O Camp to get in shape, do a lot of map-training and get in shape before competing seriously.
The Danish WRE for 2009 will be at EOC, sprint, middle and long (23.-25. of June) and during the Danish Championship weekend in the middle of October (16.-18.). IOF World Ranking Events
27.11.2008 Map extracts Click Here to see some more extracts from the maps we will be using in 2009.
26.11.2008 Swiss Team
Swiss team will be attending MTB-O Camp once more in 2009. The Danish and Swiss teams have been good friends ever since the Swiss delegation came to Bornholm in 2006, when Simon Seger and Christine Schaffner became the first winners of MTB-O Camp Cup.
The Swiss team for 2009 has just been selected by the Swiss Orienteering Federation. Elite riders will be: Christine Schaffner and the silver medalist from the European Relay Championchip, Simon Seger, Beat Schaffner and Beat Okle.
25.11.2008 Weather forecast
Allthough snow sometimes occur in Denmark even in April, we expect the terrain to be just perfect. The last 3 years we have had nothing but sun during MTB-O Camp.
Average temperature for Denmark in April is 10 degrees C during daytime and 2 degrees C during nighttime. Photo: Mika Tervala.
10.11.2008 Video about Danish Team 2008
Here is the video about the Danish national MTB-O team in 2008:
03.11.2008 Strong danes?
"How to beat the Danish relay team" - sounds familiar?
It should, because Denmark will be defending champions in both the European Championship in Denmark 2009 and at the World Championship in Israel. You will get the chance to go heads up with the strong riders at MTB-O Camp - getting in shape and preparing for the 2009 season. The European Relay Champions 2008 - Allan Jensen, Lasse Pedersen and Erik Skovgaard Knudsen. The World Relay Champions 2008 - Lasse Pedersen, SØren Strunge and TorbjØrn Gasbjerg.
13.10.2008 Preliminary program
Preliminary Program: click here.
All sold out, now! - on the preliminary entry list.
150 spots have been booked already and 20 more are on waiting list. I will discuss with forest authorities if it is possible to upgrade the limit of riders in the forests.
All of you that have already preliminary entered your name/team be sure to check out this website once in a while. Final entries and payment will be December or January. Free spots will be offered to those on the waiting list at that time.
The preliminary program will be out in a few days.
15.09.2008 50 more spots!
I am confident that 50 more spots for accomodation will be opened at Frederiksværk hostel 10 km the event center, Skt. Helene.
Agreements with forest-owners are almost in place. Program for MTB-O camp 2009 is expected to be published early October.
Photo: Kenneth Lorentsen
08.09.2008 Sold out!
All spots for MTB-O Camp 2009 is sold out! Well, sort of... .
Accomodation is fully booked for now - but you can still sign up for just the MTB-O Camp itself or sign up for the waiting list. I will try to book 100 extra spots at another hostel, you also have the choise to organize your own accomodation, e.g. in a summercabin - there are lots of them in Tisvilde area. I will post information on this website as soon as I know more.
Final entries will be made around christmas and some spots are expected to be opened again afterwards.
01.09.2008 Relay at camp 2009
International Relay: One of the new things at Camp 2009 will be an International Realy for teams of 4 members. The relay will start saturday night with individual starts on a short night distance for each team member. Sunday morning the relay will start by a chase start based on each team's 2 best times on the night short.
MTB-O Camp 2009 will have orienteeringtechnical trainings to strengthen the riders skills, but there will also be a small competition each day with sport ident.
Detailed program will be announced sometime during this autumn.
31.08.2008 International riders
MTB-O Camp 2009 will be international. Today 14 members of the Czech national team secured a spot, but there is also going to be riders from Lithuania, Austria, Great Britain, Germany and Switzerland.
Be sure to register well in advance. Skt. Helene Feriecenter only has about 100 spots for us. Preliminary entries can be sent to johan.jacobsen@gmail.com. The schedule for MTB-O Camp 2009 will be announced in August. There will be 2-3 trainings each day on MTB-O drawn maps. 1 training pr. day will be with sport ident.